October 21, 2008

Keep it up Jennifer Hughes!

Sir we have all been following for some time now Jennifer Hughes spirited and continuous defence of the accountants with respect to that they should not be forced to do the dirty laundry for the financial regulators and be forced to be more flexible on their mark to market principles. Since I am not an accountant and I have quite often been a bit critical of them (especially on the issue of the few big accounting companies left) I could have easily been tempted to join the choir had it not been for Jennifer Hughes´ very sensible reports. We much appreciate her efforts.

The market is what it is and how then everyone accommodates to it is a completely different issue. If flexibility is what is needed then let the regulators be more flexible. I for instance cannot believe how the regulators, so far into the downward rating spiral, still force the banks to take into account for their minimum capital requirements the by now quite discredited opinions of the credit rating agencies.