November 20, 2013
Sir, in “After Rev Flowers”, November 20, you write that “UK bank’s woes have lessons for politicians and regulators”. You forgot to include financial journalists in that list.
For instance, you write that Mr Flowers “overestimated a key capital ratio by a factor of two”. Do you really want me to list all of your journalists who at the outset of this crisis wrote of bank capital ratios seeming to be in line with historical ratios, ignoring that the current were based on risk-weighted assets and not as previously on total assets? Doing so your own journalists (and politicians and regulators), often underestimated European bank capital ratios by a factor of five.
Be sincere… when did you yourself discover that in fact European banks had real asset to capital leverages of way over 30 to 1 sometimes even over 50 to 1?
John Gapper was one of the very first to understand what was happening with his “How banks learnt to play the system”; but it took a long time for many others to do so, and some might not even have done so yet.
But Sir, do not be ashamed, you are not alone. Other actors like the IMF reported on Iceland in December 2008 the following “The banking system’s reported financial indicators are above minimum regulatory requirements and stress tests suggest that the system is resilient.” And that clearly shows IMF had no real idea either about what risks risk-weighing could be hiding or causing.
But, Sir, perhaps you should incorporate “and with humility” in your motto, just as a reminder.