April 03, 2024

How much transparency can democracy handle?

Sir, Martin Wolf writes: “The more com­plete the set of rights, the more potent will be the con­straints: there will then also be open debate, free­dom to protest, free media and independent insti­tu­tions.” “Democracy is still bet­ter than auto­cracy” FT April 3.

Twenty-five years ago, when my homeland Venezuela was launched into discussions about a new Constitution, in several Op-Eds, I opined the following:

It is said that Democracy with hunger is not Democracy, but if this is true, Democracy without information is even much less Democracy. In the constitution I want, I consider a citizen's right to information about government management to be of vital importance.”

Sadly, nothing came out of it. But, last year, I sat down to chat with ChatGPT about how artificial intelligence A.I. could empower us citizens to enjoy a more significant democracy. It answered positively in many ways.

Sir, I ask, can democracy handle such transparency?