April 17, 2010

Where were the regulators on April 26, 2007?

I just read in the Washington Post that the CDO discussed in the suit against Goldman Sachs, ABACUS 2007-AC1, and in which investors lost more than $ 1 billion, was created on April 26, 2007

Just out of curiosity I went back to my blog TeawithFT and found the following letter:

On March 19, 2007: Let us pray the estimates are wrong

Sir, let us pray for that the estimate that 2.2m of American families could lose their homes and that John Gapper mentions in “The wrong way to lend to the poor” is totally wrong. If not, then let us prepare for the worst, as the political consequences of such fallout in the sub-prime mortgage market would by far surpass whatever all other thorny issues such as Iraq and the illegal immigration could all produce, together.

What I miss in this scarily good saddening and scaring article, is some words of how it came about that some 2.2m obviously individual shaky loans could have, when all was said and done, produced the sufficiently good ratings needed to attract so much money. The credit rating agencies sure must have some explaining to do, as has those Bank regulators responsible for giving the credit rating agencies so much power to begin with.

You can find it here http://bit.ly/9clEC9 ... but that’s not all friends;

On April 13 I responded to an article of Gillian Tett in FT titled “Subprime proposals could broaden litigation risk all around” http://bit.ly/d9I0rt

Also on April 13, 2007 I responded to an article in FT by Richard Beales titled “A whiff of double standards” http://bit.ly/d2vopp

And on April 18, 2007 I responded to a comment in FT by Desmond Lachman titled “Housing bubble burst into American elections” http://bit.ly/cxKT3P

And so there obviously has to be so much more to it? Where were the regulators on April 26, 2007?