August 18, 2018

For better transparency should newspapers have a section of “Journalism” and one of “Political Activism”?

Sir, Rana Foroohar discussing the issue of ever growing student debt, ends her review of Devin Fergus’s book “Land of the Fee”, with: “Perhaps the new generation of millennial socialists rising in the US should make this the issue they tackle first”, "Slow bleed" August 18.’

What’s wrong with plain millennials? Do they have to be socialists? Or is Foroohar more than a journalist an activist?

Sir, since many years I have been arguing that higher education should be much more of a joint venture between the students and their Alma Maters; and that financing preferentially educational costs would just leave over-indebted students and enriched professors. Just as financing preferentially house purchases benefits those who have invested in houses, much more than those who want a house just to be their home.

Here below are two of my tweets that I think cut over political lines, but that therefore might not be of too much interest to redistribution or polarization profiteers.

1. “Instead of taking on debt, perhaps students should go for crowdfunding their study costs, offering to pay a percentage of their incomes during their first 15 after graduation years. If so would not investors want their professors to have some skin in the game too?

2. “Would insurance companies be willing to invest in the future by financing students against a percentage of their first 15 after graduations years of income? Would IRS be willing to certificate the incomes of these students for the investors?”

I have now ordered, “Land of the Fee” and so I will keep my comments till after I read it. That said I am sure I will again have to ask: Where was FT when regulators risk weighted sovereigns 0% and citizens 100%? Where was FT when regulators allowed banks to leverage 62.5 times only because an AAA rating issued by human fallible rating agencies was present? Where is FT on that all the real benefits of securitization do not accrue those securitized, much the contrary securitization profits are maximized when hurting the most
