December 16, 2014
I have held bank regulators responsible for Greece’s excessive debt. That because anyone authorizing banks to lend to a sovereign against 1.6 to zero percent in equity, meaning being able to leverage their equity from 62.5 to infinite times to 1, must know that sovereign is doomed to end up with too much debt.
And to bet that would not happen, sooner or later, is about as a high-risk gamble on a country’s future as these gambles come… and seemingly Greece was one of the first to loose that (someone could argue fixed) bet.
And Sir, that is why I could not really make heads or tails of FT’s editorial titled “A high-risk gamble on the future of Greece” December 10, since having or not a Samaras winning or not a presidential vote seemed, in comparison, like a very minor gamble on Greece’s future.
But now in FT I also see today a full two pages advertisement by a: who states that Greece public debt to GDP, after rescheduling and concessions, is only 18%, and not some 175% purportedly reported by Maastricht Treaty.
If so, great news, but then lets pray for that some credit rating does not give Greece an AAA rating, and so that banks and other lenders find it attractive to raise Greece’s debts to, for instance the levels of Germany.
18% and 175% clearly indicates much more than a simple tomayto and tomato issue...and so can somebody put some order here, please?