March 15, 2016

The strongest opposition to a universal basic income (UBI) would come from the redistribution profiteers to be substituted

Sir, John Thornhill discusses an upcoming book of Andy Stern titled “Raising The Floor”. In it the author “argues powerfully for the US government to provide a universal basic income (UBI) of $1,000 a month to every citizen” “A basic income — welfare for the digital age” March 15.

Having seen a real fortune in oil income being wasted and stolen away in my homeland Venezuela, I have for soon two decades been proposing something similar… although clearly there we would be talking about much less money per citizen.

In Venezuela, during the years of XXI Century Socialism I seriously doubt its poor got more than 10% of what would have been their per capita share of the country’s net oil revenues.

And lately I have also proposed a Pro-Equality tax on the wealth of all paid out in equal shares to all.

But, when it comes to opposition to the idea, that will surely come the strongest from the redistribution profiteers… those who have a vested interest in doing the redistribution.

@PerKurowski ©