Is this crisis the beginning of a clash between generations?
George Magnus writes the “Recession will compound looming issue of rapid ageing” November 6, and though he does have many valid points these are all from the perspective of those on the way out. In this respect we also must acknowledge the needs of those on the way in. This crisis might in fact just be the beginning of a clash between generations.
If you are a prosperous baby-boomer with plenty of assets, then you are indeed interested in keeping the prices of shares and housing growing, and, if just a baby-boomer, to keep your job. On the other hand if you are a young with nothing but future ahead of you, you would not mind seeing the lower prices that could allow you to acquire shares or your house at a reasonable price, or to have the elderly move over so as to get a decent job. I mean, who would like to start building a nest egg for the future with the Dow Jones over 14.000?