March 14, 2008

And no one called Mr Sharma’s bluff!

Sir, in View from The Top March 14 you have Devin Sharma, the president of Standard & Poor’s saying “Ratings play an important role in the capital markets by providing opinions on creditworthiness” and nobody called his bluff. Had it been true then we would most likely not be in our current mess, though perhaps in another one.

The truth is that the credit rating agencies give much more than opinions since empowered by the financial regulators they do in fact give orders to many of the actors in the financial market of where these can or not go, and to the banks with respect of how much capital they have to set aside for each credit.

Striping the credit rating agencies of these really crazy powers is one of the most important things to do if we are to avoid future financial disasters that could prove if possible even more lethal than the current one; and so that they then can go back to just providing opinions.