January 10, 2014

No Mr. Ralph Atkins. We know precisely that the next financial polar vortex is going to hit… where it always hits!

Sir, Ralph Atkins writes that “six years after the eruption of the financial crisis… we know remarkably little about where the next ice storm might break”, “Investors hunt for the financial polar vortex", January 10.

He is wrong. We know exactly that the next financial polar vortex is going to break out where these always do, namely in a haven that has been perceived as “absolutely safe”, but has become dangerously overpopulated.

And the damages will be worse than ever, because of the manmade fact that, when it hits, just like when the last 2007-08 hit, our banks will have little capital to cover up with, as a direct consequence of those nonsensical risk-weighted capital requirements the Basel Committee concocted.