May 17, 2007

We better make hot fashionable before it gets too hot

Sir, Victor Mallet touches upon a very touchy subject in his “How to curb Asia’s towering energy demand” May 17, namely the extremely vicious circle of the increased use of much energy consuming air-conditioning in times of global warming. Not only do we have to construct better buildings, like those in the old days where you could open the window, but we must also fight determinately fight the status and glamour of the cold. I know what I am talking about. Anytime I had to go in Venezuela from Caracas to the much warmer city of Maracaibo I had to pack an extra sweater to survive the cold of their offices where number of BTUs per employed carry an even bigger social significance that what the number of horse powers under the bonnet of his Thunderbird could have for an American. In Maracaibo they will not rest in their hospitality efforts, trying to make you feel comfortable, until they see frost in your eyebrows. The world urgently needs some cultural icons, perhaps Bono, to be seen showing up in offices sweating a bit, and liking it, and making hot fashionable, before it gets too hot.