May 22, 2007

About ageing in today’s financial world.

Sir, Nigel Andrews end his review of “No Country for Old Men” May 22 describing the bewilderment of an ageing sheriff that far from having “seen everything before” scarcely understands anything as “a murderous materialism is taking over his part of the world, sweeping up even semi-innocents in its dust-devil vortices”. Keeping the distance that review rang a bell when, just at a three pages distance, we read how John Dizard “Gold tells a sad story of asset deflation in the future” seems really to be pulling at greying and diminishing hair in pure bewilderment over what is happening in the financial world, so much that he ends with a “So sell gold now, but wait for it to begin a dramatic rally next year”. Just to make it clear, perhaps even though “much” younger than the Sheriff and Dizard, I also include myself in the list of the ageing and lost.