September 11, 2006

What institution is not maladapted?

Sir, in the editorial of September 11 you mention the World Bank Group as maladapted for life in this century but, frankly, what institution is not? Although we believe, as much or more than you that the World Bank has a vital role to play in a world of ever-growing interdependency we are not very sanguine about the possibilities of it being adequately reformed when the reformers themselves are those truly maladapted countries who do all they can to hang on to the illusion of being independent.

On another issue and observing how in the fight against corruption there seems to be more and more work to be done each day, we cannot think of one single reason why you feel the need to hit down so hard at Mr Wolfowitz qualifying his drive at it as obsessive. I have no doubt that the billions of individuals that suffer at the hands of corruption would all love him to be obsessive about fighting it, as long as he is was also effective.