On pushing the merchandise!
In this respect and since the authors mention the positive experience with Argentine GDP-Warrants, which ironically is only the results of the Argentina economy bouncing back after the crisis, they should also have tried to answer what would have happened if all of Argentina’s debt had been contracted their way. As I see it Argentina would just have been able to contract more debt, and the fall would have been even more severe, some few months later.
There are a couple of truths in life you cannot just structure yourself out of and to try so, could only make things much worse. With respect to developing countries and their public debt, it is high time to leave this “how-much-can-we-load-them-with-before-they-break” thinking and go back to basics, perhaps to the financial “innovation” of contracting debt that repays itself!
gdp linked debt debt sustainability Stephany Griffith-Jones Robert Shiller