November 09, 2018

Why should Donald Trump or Gillian Tett worry about US’s public debt when the experts, the bank regulators, assign it a 0% risk?

Sir, Gillian Tett, making it a Democrat vs. Republican issue, expresses anxiety about the US debt and suggests “a new version of the bilateral Simpson-Bowles Commission” “Investors start to fret about ballooning US public debt” November 9.

Sir, you know the regulators, for the purpose of bank capital requirements, assigned a risk weight of 0% to the sovereign debt of the USA and one of 100% to unrated American citizens (except when buying houses). That translates into that the interest rate politicians see is a subsidized interest rate, not its real cost. That dooms the US public debt to become, sooner or later, unsustainable… and especially so if markets begin to feel the US is losing its absolute military supremacy.

The bilateral Simpson-Bowles Commissionin 2010 presented many important recommendations that should be pursued, but it did not even mention the need to eliminate the regulatory subsidy to public debt.

Sir, unfortunately, getting rid of that distortion is no easy task, as regulators have really painted themselves into a corner. Can you imagine if regulators where to announce that the risk weight of US debt has been increased from 0% to 0.01%?

PS. In 1988, when with Basel I, statist regulators assigned that 0% risk weight the US debt was $2.6 trillion, now it is more than $22 trillion... but what has that to do with anything?