November 05, 2015
Sir, Richard Milne at the end of his report of Volkswagen’s woes writes: VW makes about the same number of cars as Toyota – but has almost double the number of workers – 593.000 to 344.000”, I guess then that 249.000 workers would not be in total agreement with the titling of the report: “System failure” November 5. You just cannot have the cake and eat it too.
It must be quite clear that to overcome such a competitive disadvantage, VW had to resort to other means… in this case clearly not so elegant or legal means. Do I condone it? Of course not, but let's keep the debate real. The trade off between carbon emissions and jobs is very much out there in the real world.
But let us now also suppose VW was a pupil in the European Boarding School. If it had acted this way, blatantly infringing regulations during years… whom would we blame, VW or the headmaster of that school?
Or should 249.000 potential Toyota workers want Toyota bosses to cheat on the headmaster too?
@PerKurowski ©