April 24, 2014

I, a Venezuelan citizen, I am not going to do one iota for many of the Venezuelan creditors to get paid... much the opposite!

Sir in “Latin rebels turn to pragmatism” April 24, you write, “in Venezuela… After all, it is not unnamed acts of sabotage by ‘fascists’ or shadowy economic elites that have undercut private investments. The real culprits are price controls, expropriation threats and mismanagement. This is not ideology but rather a simple observation”.

Indeed, and if you know it, why should Venezuela’s sophisticated creditors not know it? Would these creditors have liked it if their own governments, misbehaving that much, would find financing that led them to saddle their own future generations with huge debt?

Just last Tuesday, April 22, Mohamed El-Erian, in “Beware the allure of cheapening Russian debt” wrote “For years…savvy investors ignored the populist anti west rhetoric of former President Hugo Chavez, focusing instead on the country’s solid oil revenues”… but he forgot to tell they also charged hefty risk premiums.

And so I ask, since these “savvy investors” also knew that there was at least 50 percent of the Venezuelans who did or do not agree with the government, and many even thought it to be illegitimate, do they really believe that if there is a change of power in Venezuela, these debts should be respected, no matter what?

Just to make the point… without implying any real comparison, let me ask… if the building of Auschwitz had been financed with an international sovereign bond issue, should the creditors expect those bonds to be repaid.

At least I, a Venezuelan citizen, am not going to do one iota, for many of the Venezuelan creditors to get paid. Indeed, much the opposite! ... and, just in case, I am no Argentinean Peronista.