August 12, 2013
Sir, Philip Stephens writes that central bankers “failed dismally [in regulating banks]… during the years before the crash. Their mistake was – all would be well if markets were allowed to operate freely”, “Summers or Yellen? The best Obama can do is toss a coin”, August 12.
And that is precisely the kind of misunderstanding of what really happened which impedes us to move forward.
The regulators, by means of Basel II stopped the banks from leveraging more than 12.5 to 1 when lending to those considered “risky”, like the medium and small businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups, but allowed the banks to leverage their equity 62.5 times to 1, or even more, when lending to what was considered “absolutely safe”, like to the "infallible sovereigns" and the AAAristocracy.
Frankly, does that have anything at all to do with allowing markets to operate freely? Of course not! Regulators did not worship at the altar of the new financial capitalism, they helped to build it, when an overdose of hubris led them to believe they could and should be the risk-managers of the world… and which is precisely that type of “invested with supernatural qualities” problem Stephens refers to.
The sad truth is that if central bankers are now the new masters of the universe, then we’ve got ourselves some really shitty masters, and we better watch up. Really, how can one feel comfortable with a Mario Draghi, who acting as the chair of the Financial Stability Board, saw nothing wrong in banks lending to Greece holding only 1.6 percent in capital/equity?
PS. If Obama heeds Stephens´ advice he better allow a very innocent hand to toss a very well examined coin, live in a TV show. Otherwise no one in this skeptical world would believe the outcome was in the hand of God… and even so.