There’s also a need for a profound change in the culture of regulations
Sir, Sir Mervyn King, the Bank of England Governor lashes out with “From excessive compensation to deceitful manipulation of one of the most important rates, we can see we need a change in the culture of the industry”. Sorry, as a regulator he is not really one to speak about the need for a culture change.
Only because of the capital requirements based on perceived risks, the regulators caused the banks to charge hundred and so basic points in higher interest to those perceived as “risky”, like small businesses and entrepreneurs, and hundred and so basic points in lower interest to those perceived as not risky, like infallible sovereigns. If that is not manipulation of the most important rates, I do not know what that is.
And besides, most of the excessive compensations to bankers arose from the fact that regulators freed the bankers from having to compensate shareholders by requiring so little bank equity. By the way, on that issue, it might be better for Sir Mervyn King to lie low, because there could be calls for claw-backs on all types of compensation.