February 23, 2012
Do not allow regulators to hide behind “unintended consequences”.
February 21, 2012
The best bank regulator knows absolutely everything about banking… or nothing at all.
February 18, 2012
Naïve trust was what caused Greece’s illness.
February 16, 2012
Who’s really shortchanging who in India?
February 15, 2012
The first lesson from Greece for the eurozone… the existence of loony bank regulators!
February 14, 2012
There´s no reason for any risk-weighting of bank assets, after risk-adjustment has already taken place in the price and terms of these
February 11, 2012
Greece’s infantilization is nothing when compared to that of our banks.
February 08, 2012
India, whatever you do, do not forget that risk-taking, not risk-aversion, is the oxygen of development.
February 07, 2012
What is most appropriate, cones of shame or tarring and feathering?
February 04, 2012
We should also strip the Financial Times of its honorable motto
February 02, 2012
Let us hope we are not ordered to do or not to do something because of long term central-bank projections.
A market distortion error is much worse than a model error
February 01, 2012
Martin Wolf, it is the risk-taking austerity we’ve really got to be scared of
Sir, Martin Wolf writes that “Europe is stuck on life support” February 1, and concludes that only shifts in competitiveness between the members will give the latter the opportunity to survive disconnected. Who would not agree, the issue is how to achieve that. It starts by better understanding what caused this mess we’re in and, in that debate, much more important than discussing the dangers of fiscal austerity, is realizing the dangers of risk-taking austerity.
The banks, courtesy of the Basel regulations and the capital requirements based on perceived risk, have now all been painted into the corner of what is officially perceived as not-risky, and where of course any real shifts in competitiveness do not normally reside.
Take for instance Italy, in many ways it has survived in spite of its governments, and, nonetheless any European bank is currently required to have much more capital when lending to an Italian small businesses or entrepreneur than when lending to the Sovereign Italy.
Mr. Wolf, at this moment, much more than a Heinrich Brüning, who we really must fear, are the sissies in the Basel Committee, in the Financial Stability Board and in the UK’s own FSA.