What is ‘socially desirable’ to regulators can be very ‘socially undesirable’ to us
I ask again, for the umpteenth time, what is socially desirable about banks not defaulting if banks do not perform as society should have reasons to expect? Personally I have always argued that the lack of bank failures points to a lack of needed risk-taking, and to anyone who counters with pointing at the many bank defaults in this crisis I tell them these were not the result of bank failures but of regulatory failures.
If bank regulators had not favoured with some truly minuscule capital requirements those operations that they found ‘socially desirable’ having triple-A ratings; or empowered the credit rating agencies way too much, this very ‘socially undesirable’ crisis would not have happened.
But of course, with Sir Martin Jacomb’s general point on the importance of getting the banks to lend, I totally agree. To me it is truly surrealistic to observe how much leeway we are willing to give government bureaucrats to spend our children’s future taxes, when compared to how much we demand the regulators to rein in the banks.