Christopher Caldwell risks being sent to Speaker’s Corner.
This reinforcement of beliefs business which has created and promoted stories such as the 9-11 incidents having being carried out by the US government itself; or the migrants workers plotting to assassin, rape and take over countries; and so many other lunacies, are slowly leading us into neo dark ages characterized not by the lack of information but by a massive overload of it, and that has us all screening in terms of what best tickles our preconceptions. Now, why do I qualify Caldwell’s comments as daring?
In 1872, the British Parliament decreed Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park of London as a place reserved for free expression, and initially it attracted all those extremists who, although qualifying as nuts, still had the right to vent their opinions. Lately though, we have all witnessed how the original Speaker’s Corner speakers moved into Speaker’s Studios and now radicalism, anarchy, or fundamentalism is voiced on prime-time television. All of us others, modest low-key analyzers or rational in-betweens, have to settle gratefully for slots in after-midnight cable television, dubiously sponsored by the most traditional professional services.
As rationality could soon be viewed as symptomatic of a modern nut, we might all have to line up at Speaker’s Corner… and so we’ll see you there Christopher Caldwell.