August 06, 2006
Sir, over the last couple of weeks we have read about the strong growth of the US tax revenues and that has somewhat shrunken their immense anticipated fiscal deficit. But, the wording used to describe this event, which to me seems only an Indian summer before winter, has been quite surprising since reading between the lines one gets the impression that mature minds might be close to thinking that the winter is over and the spring is here. Trying to find an explanation for this utterly strange behavior I suddenly recalled that I heard an expert warning about warning the elderly too much about the risks and way bouts of frauds and embezzlement schemes, since just a few repetitions of the warnings could by themselves, creepily, but indeed also quite creepy, breed in the recipients a sense of familiarity that increased the possibilities they would fall for the scams. And so it seems that all the warnings about the impending US financial disasters could now have morphed into signs that confirms that everything is normal, as it should be, so let us then go on, as if nothing.