June 20, 2019

If a firefighter had seen an explosive artifact, and not done anything in four years to defuse it, would he still be a paid firefighter?

Sir, as you might understand from my many letters to you I agree with most of what Ian Hirst opines on Martin Wolf’s article (“Weidmann casts a shadow over the ECB”, June 13) “ECB must end conjuring tricks and begin a structural overhaul” June 19.

Sadly though, no matter how “rock solid the political support for the euro is, it might already be too late, even for Jens Weidmann, to do all that needs to be done to correct the mistakes Hirst hints at.

Hirst writes: “As Mr Wolf points out, the German public, in particular, need to be told some home truths. The euro has greatly benefited their economy (while greatly damaging competitors in southern Europe). It does not work without some transfer and debt support elements, mainly funded by Germany and the Netherlands.”

100 percent correct but I ask, are they able to manage the whole truth? Included that of German banks being able to hold loans to for instance Greece and Italy against zero capital while being required to hold eight percent in capital or so when lending to an unrated German entrepreneur?

Sir, in March 2015 Mario Draghi wrote the foreword to an ESRB report on the regulatory treatment of sovereign exposures. In it he said “The report argues that, from a macro-prudential point of view, the current regulatory framework may have led to excessive investment by financial institutions in government debt. [It} recognizes the difficulty in reforming the existing framework without generating potential instability in sovereign debt markets, as well as the intrinsic difficulty of redesigning regulations so as to produce the right incentives for financial institutions… I trust that the report will help to foster a discussion which, in my view, is long overdue.”

PS. “Long overdue”? We are now in June 2019 and I ask, has the Financial Times seen Mario Draghi or the ECB doing anything about the still ticking 0% Risk-Weight Eurozone Sovereign Debt Privilege bomb

PS. "the current regulatory framework may have led to excessive investment by financial institutions in government debt" March 2015. Why did it take so long and why did they need research to only suspect that?