September 04, 2018

Myths, and truths that shall not be told, is why so little has changed since the financial crash

Sir, Martin Wolf writes: “The financial crisis was a devastating failure of the free market… The persistent fealty to so much of the pre-crisis conventional wisdom is astonishing.” “Why so little has changed since the financial crash” September 4.

Myths and truths that shall not be told, so that regulators shall not be held accountable, is the cause of that, not the failure of markets that were not free by a long shot. Here follows some of the more important of these.

Lack of regulations: Wrong! Total missregulation. Regulators for their risk weighted capital requirements for banks used the perceived risk of banks assets, those that bankers were already clearing for, and not the risk that bankers would perceive and manage the risks wrongly. They seemingly never heard of conditional probabilities.

Excessive risk taking: Wrong! It was the regulators excessive risk aversion that gave banks incentive to build up excessive exposure to what was perceived safe.

Greece did it: Wrong! EU authorities did Greece in, when assigning a 0% risk weight to its debt.

But Wolf is correct when arguing, “Today’s rent-extracting economy, masquerading as a free market, is, after all, hugely rewarding to politically influential insiders”

Because yes, crony statism is all around us, beginning with the “We governments guarantee you banks, and then assign ourselves a 0% risk-weight so you need not to hold any capital when lending to us, and so then you can return the favor by lending to us. 

Sir, Wolf concludes: “If those who believe in the market economy and liberal democracy do not come up with superior policies, demagogues will sweep them away”. That is right! But let us not ignore that “We will make your bank systems safe with our risk weighted capital requirements” was and is pure unabridged besserwisser demagoguery.

PS. Of course journalists who refuse to ask regulators the right questions since they are scared that if they do they will never be invited to Davos and Jackson Hole gatherings are also part of the explanation.
