But let me focus (for the umpteenth time) on the concluding note “Predictability may be a hindrance rather than a help”
The Fed’s Governor Laid Brainard, in a recent speech “
An Update on the Federal Reserve's Financial Stability Agenda” said: “The primary focus of financial stability policy is tail risk (outcomes that are unlikely but severely damaging) as opposed to the modal outlook (the most likely path of the economy).”
That is how it should be, but it is not! That the riskiness of bank assets, for instance with the help of credit rating agencies, could be somewhat predicted, tempted regulators into creating risk weighted capital requirements for banks; but that same “predictability” also blinded them completely to the fact that the safer something is perceived, the more dangerous does its fat-tail-risk become. For instance they assigned a risk weight of only 20% to the AAA rated and one of 150% to that which was rated below BB-. Is not the fat-tail-risk of what has been rated below BB- almost inexistent?
Governor Leal Brainard also writes: “Treasury yields reflect historically low term premiums--. This poses the risk that term premiums could rise sharply--for instance, if investor perceptions of inflation risks increased.”
Indeed, but to that we must also add the possibility of the investor perceptions of Treasury infallibility changes for the worse.
When in 1988 the regulators, with Basel I, decided to assign a 0% risk-weight to some sovereigns they painted these into a corner. If that risk weight is not increased, then sovereigns will become, sooner or later over-indebted, and risk will grow until it hits 100%. If that risk weight is increased, ever so slightly, markets will be very scared. How to get out of that corner is the most difficult challenge central banks and bank regulators face. Let us not forget that in 1988 US debt that was $2.6 trillion. Now it is US$21 trillion, growing, and still 0% risk weighted.
PS. The only way to solve the 0% sovereign risk weight conundrum that I see, is to increase the leverage ratio applicable to all assets, until that level where the risk weighted capital requirement totally loses its significance.
PS. Brainard also stated “Regulatory capital ratios for the largest banking firms at the core of the system have about doubled since 2007 and are currently at their highest levels in the post-crisis era.” Regulatory capital ratios, when risk weighted, might mean zilch.