March 14, 2008

Does winning but not getting the expected odds paid out really make it a loss?

Sir Prof Louis T. Wells commenting on March 14 on Alan Beattie’s article “Concern grows over global trade regulation” March 12 hints at what I have always found as one of the most intriguing questions in matters of foreign investments. If you require a high rate of return to invest in one country and thereafter you obtain a lower return but that is perfectly in accordance with your expectation of returns in lower risk countries should you be satisfied or should you feel let down because the risk did not materialize?

Having said that and returning to Mr Wells´ real issue, the validity of international arbitrary courts and proceedings, let us also never forget that those that in the long run are mostly hurt by closing down courts and proceedings are those that being weak most need them…and they should therefore be the ones most careful with not shooting the messengers.