February 13, 2008

An explanation yes, but not an excuse for the cowards

Sir John Kay is right when in “Bankers, like gangs, just get carried away” February 13, he puts the bank bosses role in perspective by arguing that “the gang leader, despite his apparently unquestioned authority, is frequently the prisoner of the gang members.” This applies to so many different realities, like one could currently even say that a hugo chávez is a prisoner of the hugo chávez gang. Let us remember though that this could serve as an explanation but never as an excuse.

The fact that it might be easier to pinpoint guilt on a Jérome Kerviel does not really mean that he is more guilty that all his superiors who delve in matters that are much harder to understand; since the not understanding a iota but not being man enough to be able to say so is what mostly lies behind this current financial turmoil.