June 04, 2024

What the world needs is to introduce true diversity in its financial architecture.

Sir, I refer to “The world needs a new fin­an­cial archi­tec­ture” by Michael Krake, the exec­ut­ive dir­ector for Ger­many at the World Bank.

What if, keeping the UN, World Bank and IMF, we instead reform these institutions? As is, these are managed and governed by bureaucracy autocracies. 

November 2004, at the end of my short two-year term as an executive director in the World Bank, FT published a letter in which I wrote: “Our bank supervisors in Basel are unwittingly controlling the capital flows in the world. How many Basel propositions will it take before they start realizing the damage they are doing by favoring so much bank lending to the public sector (sovereigns)? In some developing countries, access to credit for the private sector is all but gone, and the banks are up to the hilt in public credits.”

I had often expressed this at the World Bank Board but, those colleagues who understood what I referred to, and nodded in agreement, could do nothing. How could they, they were nominated by governments and most expected, and needed, to return to the government. What did not exist was real diversity. Not diversity based on gender or race, but diversity based on interests, life experiences and needs. 

Then I often suggested substituting some on the current executive directors with e.g., a plumber or a nurse; or at least to give a place at the board to that migrant community that, by means of its remittances, provided development countries with much more financial assistance than the multilateral financial entities could ever dream to do.

Now 2024, if I had the blessing to again be at that board of directors, I would drive my fellow directors to despair by, over and over again mentioning: “Give me ten seconds, I want to see what my friend ChatGPT opines on this.”

Would, “Without Fear and Without Favour” FT, be willing to publish a letter on what ChatGPT thinks?

