June 17, 2015

All Europeans, one way or another, will pay dearly for The Greatest Pushing The Can Down the Road.

Sir, Martin Wolf writes: “the vast bulk of the official loans to Greece were not made for its benefit at all, but for that of its feckless private creditors. Creditors, too, have a duty to take care. If they are careless, they risk big losses. If governments want to save them, their own taxpayers should be told to pay up.”, “Divorce Greece in haste, repent at leisure”, June 17.

That is partially true. The sad fact though is that if governments, with or without consultations, decide to save private investors, its taxpayers and its citizens in general, will have to “pay up”, one way or another, whether they like it or not. By the way, by not having cleared the deck of the rubbles, so as to allow for a fresh-start, they have for some years already been paying.

Once Europe (and US) gets to understand the full implications of this The Greatest Pushing The Can Down the Road carried out by feeble technocrats during the last years, many are bound to get extremely upset… especially the young.

PS. Again Martin Wolf assigns the fecklessness in this whole Greece affair only to private creditors… leaving his friends the bank regulators out of it. These regulators, by allowing banks to lend to the Greek government against much less capital than what they needed to hold when lending to for instance Greek or German SMEs, were the prime promoters of this crisis.
